Access Consciousness
“All of life come to me with ease and joy and glory®”
If you’re not familiar with Access Consciousness® it is a set of simple tools (including verbal processing and hands-on energy work) designed to raise consciousness and empower people to know that they know. As an example, consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. Simply by becoming aware and releasing our judgments of ourselves, we are able to create everything we desire. The results I have experienced from learning the Access’ point of view has changed my life. Check out this video to learn more 🙂
People choose Access to get present with themselves and gain the awareness to create change from within.
Change can be challenging. When I work with the Access tools and processes it creates the possibility to change everything that is not working in my life. Once you become more conscious, it becomes easier for you to thrive in the face massive change that is occurring everywhere on the planet right now.
One of the greatest tools of Access is The Bars.
This is a powerful manual style treatment that resets your point-of-view (like restarting your computer). There are 32 “bars” of energy that run through and around your head that connect to different aspects of your life. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything (wow!). Once you “clear the cache” in your brain, new possibilities open up in your life.
Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to change anything in that area.
Main improvements – Slowing down, changing/making different choices instead of complaining and doing the same thing over again. I have remembered my inner “knowing” and have more of a willingness to trust that knowing vs questioning/judging/overthinking everything.
Bars class was life changing. I went into the class heavy and burden after my bars were run I knew information about my life however I did not feel any emotions about the past. It was like a brain reset such a refreshing feeling.
After taking the Bars class I am learning to let judgements go. The judgements I place on myself and the judgements that others may have about me.
It gave me confidence in learning about Bars and how I can help others. It is a way I can help my partner as we took this class together. It also helps me to just slow down and breathe deeper, enjoy each day and also be mindful of the joy around us. I really like how Victoria helps to empower others through her training and knowledge.
Victoria is a wonderful facilitator, she keeps the group focused and energized. The hours in the day felt like a blink of an eye. It was an amazing experience, one that I will never forget. 24 hours later, my heart is still full of joy and gratitude.
I recommend this Bars workshop to all of you! It will change your life and as Access taught us “How Does It Get Any Better Than This?”
Learn about the neuroscience and how Access Bars affects the brain
This is a review of what occurs in the brain before and after an Access Bars session. Presented by neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin with Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer, creators of Access Consciousness.
Running The Bars with your kids.
To learn more about Access Bars and how it can help kids with depression, anxiety, ADHDH and chronic stress!