Hello my friends,
I am very excited to invite you to celebrate the launch of my brand new website, VictoriaHaffer.com. Many of you have been following my journey and even though some of you have not seen me for quite some time or have not met me yet. Regardless, I hold each one of you near and dear to my heart. I am so grateful to be able to do the work I was born to do: helping people create a life of great health, radical self acceptance and joy. At times, I consider myself the luckiest gal on the planet.
In blending many of my passions, I have created the Body Matrix™ Program, designed to assist you in creating powerful transformation using a unique mix of mind –body fitness, holistic nutrition, meditation, and wisdom philosophy. I will be running the next course in January, stay tuned for more details. My monthly newsletter will include lots of golden nuggets on creating change via anatomy, holistic nutrition, yoga and fitness and will let you know my schedule of daily classes, workshops, retreats and teacher trainings both locally and globally. You will also gain access to my YouTube channel with soon to be released videos that you can follow along with me on yoga, meditation, fitness and nutrition.
Please let me know if there are any specific topics you would like to learn about or would like to experience. I would love to hear from you.
I can’t wait to share with you and hope our paths cross soon!
Much Love and Inspiration,
xo, Victoria
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