The Path of the Empowered Teen
Providing powerful life skills through mentoring with positive role models.

Results-oriented programs for teens, parents and teachers that transform chronic stress, overwhelm and worry into focus, productivity and happiness!
Our kids are stressed out, overwhelmed and exhausted…
*statistics from the American Psychological Association stress report.
…and it’s creating some serious challenges for our kids’ mental well-being.
1 in 3 adolescents has an anxiety disorder.
1 in 12 teens live with significant impairment due to anxiety.
Untreated anxiety disorders are linked to depression, school failure and a two-fold increase in risk for substance use disorder.

It doesn’t have to be so hard for our kids.
This isn’t ‘just life.” They don’t need to “just get over it,” (even if they could.)
There are tools we can give to our children that will help them to cope and thrive in our world. To be happy and healthy and free from the sort of stress and anxiety that hurts them today and for the rest of their lives.
We can set them free.
How do we help teens thrive, not just survive?

Meditation: The benefits of a lifelong practice of regular meditation are many, with very few drawbacks. It has been proven to increase the gray matter density in your brain, helping with memory, empathy, and decision-making. It also rewires the brain, and actually makes it easier to think clearly and logically, allowing you to better control your emotions.

Yoga: Studies show that practicing yoga during the teen years helps cultivate “executive functions” or the important skills of creativity, flexibility, self-control, and discipline. The practice also gives teens a set of physical cues through posture and breathing that they can access in stressful situations to find a feeling of peace and clear focus. Not only is yoga great exercise to improve overall flexiblity and strength, it has also been shown to improve body self-image in teens who practice.

Conscious Communication is a way of talking and listening that is focused on developing strong, mutually enriching relationships. The goal is to provide an emotional experience that allows each person to feel safe so they can participate in a quality relationship where emotional needs are clearly and effectively expressed,mutually valued, and fulfilled through natural giving, not through bullying, demands or coercion. This is not an inborn gift, but a learnable skill.

Mindfulness is based on a sense of being focused and fully in the moment, and releasing judgement of right and wrong. Self-compassion is learning to feel the same loving kindness toward yourself that a caring person would feel toward someone else and the desire to let go of any pain and suffering you may be causing yourself to feel. It also encompasses an awareness of being part of the greater community of people. All the while knowing you are experiencing the same feelings everyone else may have; a sense of “we’re all in this together.” Studies show that programs that focus on teaching mindfulness and self-compassion increase emotional well-being and life satisfaction, reduce irritability, and decrease anxiety and stress while increasing resilience and positive risk-taking.
Results they can live with.
Why me? Why now?
I grew up in a life filled with massive inconsistency and dysfunction. I felt like I never quite fit in, I had huge expectations of myself as a student, and life at home was less than supportive, to say the least.
My stress and anxiety showed up on a physical and emotional level. I couldn’t be around large groups of people for long periods of time, loud noises and people would trigger me as well. I suffered from severe social anxiety when I was uncertain of the situation. I was more comfortable against the wall to feel safe whenever I was in a public place. I even had anxiety while driving due to the lack of control I had from the other drivers on the road.
Emotionally, I developed an intense lack of trust for most people in general. I was quick to love and just as quick to withhold my love.
I constantly felt alone and unsupported by those around me. I didn’t ask for help because deep down I was afraid of the rejection. So I decided to do everything by myself and for myself.
And I began to display a variety of self-destructive behaviors, including engaging in unhealthy relationships. I developed signs of depression and chronic anxiety, even contemplating ending it all to end the pain.
I desperately wanted to be seen, to be loved, to be accepted. For me, animals were my salvation – when I was with a furry companion, I finally felt safe and in my happy place. I could truly be me!
Although I survived those years, ALL of those symptoms persisted right into my adult life. In fact, it literally made me sick – I suffered with debilitating gut issues and chronic fatigue for years.
Then finally I had enough. I walked with my fears and insecurities and began to learn to listen to my own inner voice.
It took a LOT of time and effort in self-discovery, self- awareness, self-love and self development. For me, that path included yoga, meditation and mindfulness as well as body – talk therapy and hypnotherapy. I became a Certified Empowerment Coach, Yoga, Meditation Teacher and Reiki Master so that I could teach others how to incorporate these tools and powerful methods so they could heal themselves!
And of course, I kept up those all-important connections with animals.
I healed from the trauma I lived through as a young person, but it was quite a lengthy and expensive journey to do so.
It would have been so much different if I had experienced the support and community I needed while I was a teen. To have learned those vital life-skills for developing boundaries, effectively managing my moods and emotions as well as communicating effectively so I got what I needed. To have a wide range of effective tools that I needed to manage the stress and anxiety that I, and most teens, have learned to deal with.
The tools I needed to brilliantly thrive, not just barely survive.
I’m not saying I never get anxious or triggered now but it is very infrequent. I finally feel safe in my body and with the people around me. I have learned how to set healthy boundaries and I no longer surround myself with unhealthy people and situations.
But…. it took 20 years of hard work to get to that place. And I’m not alone. Research shows that most of chronic, lifetime stress, anxiety and depressive disorders are carried through from our youth. We spend a lifetime dealing with debilitating mental health conditions often leaving us hopeless and dis- empowered.
So that is why I have made it my mission to ensure that every teenager on the planet can have access to a different future. So they can live joyful, empowered lives without needing a lifetime to heal from their childhood challenges. To have all of the skills and support they need so they do not have to carry the scars from trauma in their adolescence into the rest of their adult lives.
Will you join me?
I promise, I’ll have your back every step of the way!
Victoria Haffer M.S.
My Mission

To educate and inspire teenagers to be kind, resourceful & confident while building healthy relationships with themselves, their family & their community.

To teach life learning skills and tools for healthy living to teens, their parents and their teachers that create strong relationships that last.

To empower young people to make courageous, balanced choices based on respect for self and others, so that they feel heard, seen and valued.
In their own words…
Ready to get started?
Programs and Curricula
Our programs are based on proven, evidence-based techniques that target the root causes of stress and overwhelm. They are purposely designed to provide young people with highly effective tools and skills they can utilize at any time to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety, wherever and whenever they need them.
We also offer programs that are specifically for adults who work with adolescents and teens (teachers, coaches, school personnel, etc) as well as parents and caregivers working to provide their teenaged children and families with the kind of caring environments that support their growth and well-being (and yours, too!)
All programs and curricula are easily customized to best meet your school or organization’s needs.
Programs by Design
Want a program uniquely designed for your organization and needs? We’ve got you covered.
Below are some of the topics we have presented on to give you some ideas to get started, but do please contact me to discuss all of the possibilities!
Health and Well Being
- Wellness From the Inside Out (Fitness, Yoga, Nutrition)
- Meditation and mindfulness
- Stress management
- Self-esteem and body image – how to respect, trust and love yourself
- How to create healthy habits
- How to master mood and emotions
- Avoiding the “Perfectionist Trap”
Relationships and Commmunication
- Conscious communication
- Setting healthy boundaries for personal relationships
- Friendships and peer pressure
- “Happiness Begins at Home” – building positive, supportive family relationships that work
- Intelligent dating
- Conflict resolution
- Problem solving and resiliency
Life Skills and Career Planning
- Goal setting strategies and techniques
- Entrepreneurship
- Money management
- Career coaching
Experts say…

Meet the Founder, Victoria Haffer M.S.
My life’s work is to empower teens, individuals and organizations to transform chronic stress, anxiety and overwhelm into focus, productivity and joy. I hold a M.S. in Human Physiology, certified coach, trainer and speaker with over 25 years of experience as a Transformation Strategist, Stress Management/Wellness Expert, Yoga Therapist, Meditation/Mindfulness Teacher, as well as a Contributor at Thrive Global.
I have dedicated my life to educating and empowering others to heal themselves while creating a life they love!